Crimes against humanity

Do know that people make mistakes and some of them are egregious. When I worked in the front line I interviewed so many who were young, uneducated, self regulation, impulsive and who had undiagnosed mental illness and or suffered abuse in their life time. These are not their crimes, these are our crimes for not providing adequate intervention and resources earlier.
Some people who commit the most horrible and unimaginable crimes deserve to never emerge from prison. Having said that how does a “civil” society responsible for rehabilitation of the others murder people who are incarcerated? Far too many who are are imprisoned are not guilty while many others are in for drug crimes. They actually needed rehabilitation. Others should be released given what the current marijuana laws are.
Instead prisons are privatized and used as enslavement for profit while resources are intentionally held from marginalized communities to strengthen the prison pipeline. Tax payer’s money is used to pay out lawsuits for crimes that the police commit rather than cleaning out a system that doesn’t work because it’s cheaper to murder and imprison us than it is to do any the above. White America really wants us to get over what continues to occur daily.
The injustice system only serves those who profit from it. It’s capitalism plain, simple and deeply engrained in Christianity which is the most disgusting aspect of all.